Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Empowering Children in 21st Century

Kuala Lumpur Declaration

Empowering Children in 21st Century

WSMC 2014 Pledges to Reframe Children’s Media,
Take it to a New Paradigm  

The 2014 Kuala Lumpur World Summit on Media for Children Declares
  1. That, since children are the future of the human-kind, the media should provide them with content that conveys appropriate information, education, entertainment and social development messages. 
  2. That the media should help achieve a greater understanding of issues and developments in children’s media around the world by promoting innovation in the development of content.
  3. That there is a clear need for providing guidance for the media on desirable ethical and cultural standards.
  4. That the media should be invited to agree on a charter of guiding principles, as provided in the Annex 2 to this Declaration, to be employed in developing children’s media.
  5. That the media should help children in choosing between moral and immoral, helping in inculcating good values among them on social, civic, environmental care and human issues, taking into account the guiding principles stated in Annex 2..
  6. That broadcasters and media professionals work towards bringing the benefits of the “digital wave” to children’s media, in particular connecting the disconnected. 
  7. That the media professionals approach their Governments and relevant national regulators to help facilitate development of content and allocation of funding support in that regard. 
  8. Those children’s media organisations set up partnerships with regional bodies and other organizations and seek assistance in development of excellent content. 
  9. That to institute an on-going arrangement to fulfil the objectives of this Declaration, the following steps should be taken: • To establish an international movement to improve the content of Children programming in Radio, TV and New Media. • To engage in capacity building and maintaining open channels for dialogue. • To initiate permanent Regional Markets for radio and TV children’s programming in all the regions of the world.• To initiate a number of international and regional co-productions for children’s radio and TV content. 
  10. That the 2017 World Summit on Media for Children review and assess the progress on all issues cited in this Declaration and initiate further action, as appropriate.